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Gloria Valeria Shneid

Gloria Valeria Scheid Zamora was born in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. After happily working for a corporation as a public accountant for seven years in her hometown, she got married and moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Despite the large English language barrier, she thought it would be easy to adapt to the culture of the United States and start from scratch. However, in the second year she faced anxiety and depression, which led her to feel that her life was over; it was a period of many tears.

Nothing could stop her and over time she created very successful programs focused on helping the development and growth of the Latino community. Among them is “Valeria’s Learning Initiative ,” which offers citizenship classes. Their motto has always been: “Give the extra of one, grants the remuneration and satisfaction of seeing people achieve his dream in this country.”

Gloria has also taught courses from Quickbooks at Grand Rapids Organization for Women (GROW). She is a columnist for a local newspaper, in which she provides advice on tax laws. She has also been nominated by some organizations and awarded for Latin Wings as a role model and MPWRD Influential as a visionary.

She is the founder of the company Instituto Crece Latino, which offers services for Latino entrepreneurs, in areas such as: accounting, notarial, and diplomas in administration to protect investments and increase profitability. The mission of said company is to help at minorities with technical skills for integrate more in the community with honesty and respect for the laws of this country.

Her formula is:

Believe + plant a seed + nourish the mind + possess a helpful spirit = overcoming obstacles


FB: Valeria Scheid Zamora | Latino Grows

IG: Grow Latino

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